Betfair commissions global study on the internet betting experience

News on 5 Feb 2009

The online gambling group Betfair has commissioned another interesting and independent study of factors influencing Internet gambling, hiring cxpartners to look at how online betting experiences differ across different cultures.
The outcomes of the qualitative study will enable Betfair to tailor its gambling products and services to users across the world, making its product portfolio more usable and appropriate to different target audiences, reports Netimperative this week.
The manager responsible for user experience at Betfair, Louise Croft Baker, said: “The way in which people bet online differs, according to a number of factors; language, culture and regulation all affect the online experience.  By conducting usability studies in a number of countries we hope to understand further how these habits differ and to use this intelligence to make sure Betfair is providing the most relevant service for such a diverse customer base.”
The cxpartners research will be carried out by a network of agencies across a number of countries over a two week period.
Giles Colborne, Managing Director at cxpartners commented:  “Our experience of conducting these kind of studies is the perfect fit for Betfair as we have a proven track record of conducting qualitative usability research for organisations in the leisure industries. This study will help Betfair to further understand its customers’ needs and in doing so create opportunities to make its services more relevant to users across the globe.  This is a significant contract for us and we’re very much looking forward to seeing the outcome.”

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