Aspire Global eyes Stockholm stock exchange listing

News on 19 Jun 2017

In a market update Monday, B2B service provider Aspire Global said it intends applying for listing on the Stockholm Nasdaq First North Premierstock exchange to support the company’s continued growth and development.

The timing of Aspire’s Offering will depend on the completion of a number of administrative processes in the Company’s legal domicile, Malta, which include the affiliation of the Company’s shares with the central securities depositories Clearstream and Euroclear Sweden.

Prior to an IPO, total new share commitments have already been received from Swedbank Robur Fonder AB and other investors of around 53 percent of the total number of shares in the Offering and around 15 percent of the total number of shares in the Company after the Offering.

“Aspire Global is active in a very dynamic market where we see a lot of growth potential as the market becomes regulated and land-based gaming moves online,” Carl Klingberg, incoming chairman of the board, said.

“Until now, Aspire Global has grown organically, but we see a large potential to accelerate this growth supported by acquisitions. Our possibility to achieve this growth is further improved by the listing of the Company which will contribute to increased transparency and enhances our ability to make large investments in a market which changes and develops rapidly.”

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