The world’s first licensed Bitcoin-led casino operator,, has launched its unique loyalty programme Loyalty Club, revolutionising the industry by eliminating all its generic, deposit-based bonuses in favour of instant, tailor-made rewards.
The new programme, built solely on the response of existing players, boasts 7 levels and 22 milestone rewards, as well a win-win feature which sees players receive cashback not only on their losses but wins also.
By keeping the customer at the centre of the loyalty programme, Bitcasino’s aim was to create a transparent and disruptive reward system, custom-made to the exact needs of the site’s players.
The innovative Loyalty Club has already refined the company’s whole marketing strategy and now sets out to challenge the industry norm. In a move never seen before in crypto casinos, Bitcasino has successfully removed all deposit-based bonuses and rewards including the renowned Welcome Offer.
Bitcasino’s players will never again have to complete complex bonus conditions or discover hidden requirements. Instead, they simply receive their rewards directly to their account as they play without any interference from Bitcasino.
Players are also independently able to reach clearly defined milestones and levels, such as the elusive VIP level; a status which ordinarily has been determined and given out by a casino on a case-by-case basis.
Once unlocked, the milestones and levels immediately offer a variety of instant, dynamic rewards tailored to the player’s personal preference and all based on an individual’s gameplay.
The dynamic rewards have no preset value and are controlled completely by the player; the more a person plays, the greater the benefits become. The programme ensures that all players, regardless of their bankroll, are rewarded, with every single wager moving them closer to the next milestone.
Rewards include free spins on a player’s favourite games, up to 10% cash rebates, instant rewards, points multipliers and real money awards in a player’s preferred currency with no wagering requirements.
Tauri Tiitsaar, Director of Casino at Bitcasino, said: “We’ve shown our players the fun, fast and fair way of gaming and now it’s time to take it another step further.
“Bitcasino’s new loyalty programme opens up the often complicated and confusing world of casino bonuses to our players, giving them the all-important insight and ability to determine their own gaming experience.
“After receiving a lot of valuable feedback regarding how we reward players over the years, we knew from the beginning of the loyalty development process it was crucial for our players to be able to take full control of their rewards. I’m proud to say our revolutionary programme lets them do just that.”