Playtech BGT Sports and Betfred expand SSBT installation

News on 8 Nov 2017

Omni-channel sports betting solutions provider Playtech BGT Sports (PBS) and UK bookmaker Betfred have agreed the installation of additional self-service betting terminals (SSBTs) in Betfred’s UK retail estate.

PBS will supply a number of widescreen terminals into Betfred’s best performing shops across the operator’s 1,700 strong estate.

Betfred has already expanded on its deal with PBS this year, after it agreed to roll-out a further 500 SSBTs in June.

John Pettit, Managing Director for UK, Ireland, Asia, and Australia at Playtech BGT Sports, said: “Betfred continue to be a very important customer to us, and this latest deployment of our cutting-edge widescreen terminals is set to build on this partnership further.

“Having already extended the initial contract earlier in the year, we’re delighted that their customers are continuing to enjoy both the incremental revenue opportunities and product development features that only the Playtech BGT Sports SSBTs can deliver.”

“We’ve experienced significant growth from non-football and in-play betting on SSBTs since launch, and this has been a great means of diversifying our retail offering and delivering incremental revenues,” Mark Stebbings, Managing Director of Betfred Retail, added.

“The latest instalment confirms the importance of our partnership with Playtech BGT Sports as we look to continue to improve both product and user experience across our estate.”

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