Stopping online fraud in its tracks

News on 31 Dec 2010

The anti-fraud software and service provider Innovation reports that in 2010 its reputation device screening clients foiled 35 million fraud attempts.
Founder and CEO Greg Pierson said in a message to operators and his staff this week that combating online fraud and abuse is no easy task, demanding close cooperation between client and provider for optimum results.
“We don’t do it alone,” said Pierson. “We work in concert with thousands of virtual crime fighters around the globe. It takes tremendous focus, discipline and collaboration, something each of our customers, partners and employees prove every day.
“In 2010, we screened nearly 2 billion transactions and stopped over 35 million online fraud attempts.”
The company polled a wide range of fraud managers for their main wish list in the new year and came up with “…secure online and mobile transactions; early recognition of fraudsters; eliminating or reducing the burden of manual reviews and expediting good, legitimate transactions.”

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