William Hill is addressing the gender pay debate with the release of a new report detailing numerous internal gender pay breakdown’s in terms of pay at a senior level, bonus receivers, and gender balance.
“Our median pay gap is 5.71% and our mean pay gap is 17.19%,” the company said, saying the reason behind the gaps is a gender imbalance at senior levels within the business.
“Our figures compare to a national median average gap of 18.4% and mean average gap of 17.4%. ONS estimate the equivalent averages for ‘Gambling and Betting Activities’ to be 9.2% and 21.1% respectively.”
The company has pledged to increase the number of women in senior management to represent 30 percent of that group, correct gender imbalances in its technical areas and reduce its mean gender pay gap to less than 10 percent.
The full report can be read here.