PG Soft, a world-class digital mobile games company, has released its epic samurai saga, Geisha’s Revenge. Set among Japan’s opulent teahouses, the game follows leading light Ayane on her quest to seek justice for her family by the ruthless samurai. Geisha’s Revenge is a video slot presented within a framework that has five reels, the …
PG Soft, a world-class digital mobile games company, has crafted its latest mouthwatering title to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season, Chocolate Deluxe. The alchemy behind PG Soft’s game takes inspiration from a beautiful love story between two of the finest chocolatiers, Belgium’s Valentina and France’s Pierre. As a pair they have created the …
PG Soft, a world-class digital mobile games company, is celebrating the magic of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival with the release of its new slot, Rio Fantasia. A young dancer named Isabella is the star of the show as players join in the rhythm and passion of one of the world’s most spectacular parties. Rio …